• Dry & Wet Surfacer

Dry & Wet Surfacer

FOR DRY GRINDING: Dry belt Surfacer is a continuous belt sander. It is used for removing sharp edges and for rough polishing of mounted/unmounted specimen. The Dry Belt Surfacer consists of a continuous belt of size 36" X 4" width (915 mm X 100 mm). The Belt runs on aluminium pulleys one of which is directly coupled to 1/4 H.P.,T.E.F.C. 220 Volts AC, single phase motor. The other pulley is fitted on a spindle in dolly which is spring loaded thus offering quick changing of worn out belts and keeping a fixed tension. The design also incorporates axial adjustment to align the belt in the centre. The belt runs over a plate situated between the two pulleys giving a working surface of approximately 4" X 7" area. It is totally enclosed for safety. The cover can be easily removed for changing the belt. Approximate dimensions of the base are 23" X 20" X 13" height.
FOR DRY & WET SURFACE: Similar to above but having arrangement for both wet and dry grinding it is supplied with coolant tank located in the base, a coolant pump with switch and pilot light, brush type coolant dispenser, water and drain connections. The switch enables dry polishing when put off. This is driven by a 1/4 H.P.,T.E.F.C. 220 Volts AC, single phase motor. The machine can use a large volume of water to keep the sample cool and avoid heat effects. A 'S' type water dispenser is used which remains parallel to the belt. The Machine is mounted on a self contained angle iron table.