Wel-Come to C-tech Instruments

Qualitest is a global Company and one of the top-ranking manufacturers
and suppliers of testing technologies worldwide. With our extensive portfolio of state-of-the-art and competitively priced testing machines, systems and software, we supply standard or customized solutions for many test, measurement and quality control tasks required in the world of modern materials testing.
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The key products from Qualitest range includehardness testers, universal testing machines, metallography, materials testing equipment, spectroscopy, microscopy, portable testers, and instruments for testing metals,plastics, rubber, textiles, paper, paint, cement, concrete and packaging materials, as well as technologies for NDT/Ultrasonic, surveying, automotive, aerospace, mining, oil/gas/pipe industries, gold & Jewellery applications and much more.
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C-tech Instruments
The best technology
available in a
cost-effective package
available in a
cost-effective package